Data privacy

Content of data protection guidelines in accordance with GDPR (General data protection regulation)

When you provide Kühlfix Kälteanlagen with personal data or we collect personal data from other sources, Kühlfix Kälteanlagen will process this in accordance with the current declaration. Kühlfix Kälteanlagen recommends that you carefully read through this declaration of data protection.

1. General principles for the processing of personal data

In order to ensure that your personal data is processed correctly and with an appropriate level of data protection, Kühlfix Kälteanlagen has adopted the following processing principles:

  • Personal data is processed legally and transparently, in good faith.
  • Personal data is only gathered for specified, distinct and legal purposes and is not, in any way, further processed for incompatible purposes.
  • Personal data must be appropriate, relevant and limited to the necessary extent for which it is processed.
  • Personal data must be correct and, if necessary, kept up to date; incorrect or incomplete personal data will be amended or deleted or further processing suspended.
  • Personal data may not be stored in any way that enables identification of the person concerned for a period of time longer than for the purposes for which the data has been gathered or further processed.
  • Personal data will be processed in a way that guarantees a suitable level of security of your personal data.

2. Types of personal data

We gather and process your personal data in a variety of ways when you make contact with us through the various existing channels. 

Some personal data must be collected so that we can offer you the desired services, while some other personal data can be stated voluntarily by you. We will always keep you informed of which personal data is necessary and what the consequences are for you, if you do not provide us with this data, that, for example, we cannot (fully) answer your enquiry.

The data gathered and processed by us can generally be divided into the following categories:

  • Contact information such as, name, address, telephone number, email address, title, place of work and so forth.
  • Information that you have shared with us by making contact through the online-contact form, emails or telephone.
  • User information such as technical data for use and display, including IP-addresses, when you visit our websites or applications, as well as on third party websites.
  • Transaction information, including account information, when you purchase goods or services from us.
  • Application information, including your curriculum vitae, if you apply for a position with Kühlfix Kälteanlagen. For the submission of an application, you will be informed separately of the processing of your personal data.

In principle, we do not process any specific categories of personal data (specific personal data) about you, unless, you have granted your express consent or we are obligated to comply with current regulations.

3. Our purposes for the processing of your personal data

We only process your personal data in order to follow a legal objective, and, as a rule, we will only process your personal data when the following applies:

  • You have given your consent to such processing, or
  • the processing is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract, or
  • to meet a legal obligation that we are subject to, or
  • the processing is necessary for the purposes of valid interests pursued by us or a third party and is considered to be non-detrimental to you.


We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with products, services and information that you request from us, or
  • for the management of our business relationship and the negotiation and execution of contracts, or
  • to offer you general customer service and support services, or
  • to identify customer needs and gain knowledge of how our various services, including websites and applications, as well as products, are used and to evaluate and improve them, or
  • to exchange different topics with you, or
  • to comply with current laws.

4. The use of your personal data

Kühlfix Kälteanlagen Ing. Gerhard Doczekal & Co.KG, Wallackgasse 6, 1230 Wien, +43/1/6999790, Ing. Alexander Doczekal, with whom you are a customer and with whom you make contact or conclude a contract, is responsible for your personal data processed by us. However, for fulfillment of the purposes stated above in section 3, we may, in some circumstances, pass on your personal data to other companies, either to execute a contract in accordance with the instructions of data control (whereby the recipient is active as contract data processor), or to pursue its own legitimate purpose (whereby the recipient acts as a single data controller), unless such provision or disclosure of your personal data is restricted by law.

5. Disclosure, transference and provision of personal data to recipients

Our disclosure and transference of your personal data to recipients (natural or juristic persons, authorities, agencies or other bodies to which personal data is disclosed) will be restricted to a minimum and is subject to an appropriate level of data protection.

We may transfer or disclose personal data to recipients under the following circumstances:

  • When recipients render services on our behalf, such as planning, order processing etc. Such recipients may only process personal data in accordance with our instructions, or
  • for the foundation, practice or defence of our legal rights, or
  • when you have previously granted consent to the transference of your personal data to a recipient. 

If the recipient of your personal data has his headquarters in a country outside the EU/EEA, in which no suitable level of data protection is guaranteed, we will only pass on your personal data to such a recipient if a written transfer agreement exists that is based on standard contractual clauses of the European Commission.

6. Automated individual decision

We may make automated decisions on the basis of your personal data. Automated decision-making only occurs when the following applies to the decision: 

  • It is urgently required for the completion or fulfillment of a contract between you and Kühlfix Kälteanlagen
  • it is authorized in accordance with the law of the Union or a member state which Kühlfix Kälteanlagen is subject to, and also provides suitable measures for the protection of your rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, or
  • is based on your consent.

In the event of an automated decision-making, we will ensure the implementation of suitable security measures.

Under no circumstances is specific personal data subject to automated decision-making, unless, you have granted your express consent or the processing is necessary for reasons of considerable public interest on the basis of current law.

7. Your consent

As stated above, some of our processing activities depend on your consent. In such a case, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

If you withdraw your consent, we will cease the processing of your personal data, unless, further processing or storage is permissible or necessary in accordance with current data protection laws or other applicable laws and regulations.

Please note that the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out prior to withdrawal. In addition, we may, due to your withdrawal, not be in a position to fulfill your requirements or provide you with our services.

8. Data security

In order to protect your personal data, Kühlfix Kälteanlagen has put appropriate technical and organizational measures in place to guarantee a level of security, taking into account the state of technology and the costs involved in its implementation, the risks arising from the processing and the type of personal data to be protected.

Following an evaluation of the risks, Kühlfix Kälteanlagen has put measures for the protection of your personal data in place against accidental or unlawful deletion or accidental loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access, especially if it is transferred in the context of the processing of personal data within a network. Furthermore, measures have been initiated against any other form of unlawful processing.

9. Your rights

You have the right of access to the data processed about you, subject to certain legal exceptions. In addition, you may object to the collection and further processing of your personal data. Moreover, you have the right, where appropriate, to amend your personal data. You may also ask us to restrict processing.

When you ask us to do so in writing, we will delete your personal data immediately, unless, we have a lawful reason for further processing, for example, if processing is necessary for the foundation, practice or repeal of a legal claim or fulfillment of a contract with you. 

In order to make use of the above-stated rights, please contact us through the points of contact mentioned in section 16.

Furthermore, reference is made to the following rights, which the person concerned is entitled to in accordance with the GDPR, with respect to the processing of personal data concerning him/her:

  • The right to information on the part of the person responsible for the personal data pertaining to you, in accordance with article 15 – GDPR
  • The right to amendment in accordance with article 16 – GDPR
  • The right to deletion in accordance with article 17 – GDPR
  • The right to restriction of the processing in accordance with article 18 – GDPR
  • The right to data transferability in accordance with article 20 – GDPR
  • The right to object to processing in accordance with article 21 – GDPR

Furthermore, those concerned also have the right to raise a complaint with the data protection authorities. In this regard, reference is also made to the link where the homepage of the data protection authorities can be found.

I have read the contents of this letter and understand and grant, as a party concerned, my express consent, for the purpose of this declaration, with full name and date, as entered on page 1, as well as with the forwarding by email, fax or postal means to Kühlfix Kälteanlagen Ing. Gerhard Doczekal & Co.KG, Wallackgasse 6, 1230 Wien.